Houston Golf Course Directory
For Houston golfers looking for a new country club to join, Texas Golf Insider proudly presents this local directory full of the best clubs in the area. rolling landscapes to first-class amenities that cater to your every need, we have the Houston country clubs you crave. If you’re more interested in joining golf leagues in Houston, we have those covered too. One of the standout clubs in our directory is the renowned Tour 18 Houston, which offers a unique golfing experience that pays homage to some of the most famous holes in golf history.
Browse our directory today to discover your next unforgettable golfing experience in Houston. Texas Golf Insider is your trusted source for all things golf, and we're here to help you tee off in style!
Alvin Golf & CC
Augusta Pines
Babe Zaharias GC
Bay Forest GC
Bayou Din GC
Bayou GC
Beacon Lakes GC
Bellville GC
Brenham CC
Briarcrest Golf Course
Chambers County GC
Clear Creek GC
Columbus GC
Country Club of Texas
Cypress Lakes
Cypresswood GC
Eagle Pointe GC
Freeport GC
Gleannloch Pines
Greatwood GC
Gus Wortham GC
Henry Homberg GC
Hermann Park GC
High Meadow Ranch
Houston National
Idylwild GC
Jersey Meadow GC
Margaritaville Golf Resort
Legendary Oaks GC
Longwood GC
Melrose GC
Memorial Park GC
Moody Gardens GC
Stonebridge@Newport GC
North Shore CC
Oakhurst GC
Pasadena Municipal GC
Pearland Golf Club
Pecan Lakes GC
Quail Valley GC
Bearkat GC
Rayburn Country Resort
Red Wolf GC
River Point GC
River Terrace GC
Sharpstown GC
Sienna Plantation
Southwyck GC
Swanson Golf Center
The Course at Texas A&M
The Battleground at Deer Park
The Golf Club of Houston
The Village GC
The Wilderness
Timber Creek GC
Tour 18 Houston
West Brazos Golf Center
West Fork Golf and CC
Westwood Shores GC
Wildcat GC
WindRose GC
281-331-4541 www.facebook.com/alvingolf/
281-290-1910 www.golfaugustapines.com
409-796-1327 www.thebabegc.com
281-471-4653 www.bayforestgolf.com
409-796-1327 www.bayoudin.com
409-739-9622 www.bayougc.com
281-337-1459 www.beaconlakesgolf.com
979-865-9058 www.bellvillegolf.com
979-836-1733 www.brenhamcc.com
979-776-1490 www.phillipsevents.com
409-267-8235 www.co.chambers.tx.us/page/golf_course
713-738-8000 www.clearcreekgolfclub.com
979-732-5575 www.columbustexas.net
409-840-9440 www.facebook.com/BrentwoodBmtTX/
281-304-8515 www.cypresslakesgc.com
281-821-6300 www.cypresswood.com
281-385-6666 www.golfeaglepointe.com
979-233-8311 www.freeportgolfcourse.com
281-225-1200 www.golfgleannlochpines.com
281-343-9999 www.greatwoodgolf.com
713-928-4260 www.guswortham.org
409-842-3220 www.henryhomberggolfcourse.com
713-526-0077 www.hermannparkgc.com
281-356-7700 www.highmeadowranchgolf.com
281-304-1400 www.houstonnationalgolf.com
409-753-2521 www.idylwildgolfclub.com
713-896-0900 www.jerseymeadow.com
936-448-3022 www.margaritavilleresorts.com
979-826-4001 www.legendaryoaksgc.com
281-373-4100 www.longwoodgc.com
281-847-1214 www.houstontx.gov/municipalgolf/melrose.html
832-395-7653 www.houstonmunigolf.com
409-683-4653 www.moodygardensgolf.com
281-328-3576 www.stonebridge-newport.com
361-643-6057 www.northshoretx.com/welcome
281-354-4653 www.oakhurstgolfclub.com
281-481-0834 www.pasadenatx.gov/206/Golf-Course
713-773-9603 www.pearlandgolfclub.com
936-870-3889 www.pecanlakesgolfclub.net
281-403-5910 www.golfquailvalley.com
936-438-8588 www.bearkatcourse.com/index.html
409-698-2444 www.rayburncountryresort.com
281-324-1841 www.redwolfgolf.com
281-343-9995 www.riverpointegolf.com
281-452-2183 www.facebook.com/riverterracegolf
713-988-2099 www.houstontx.gov/municipalgolf/sharpstown.html
281-778-GOLF www.siennagolf.com
713-436-9999 www.southwyckgc.com
281-440-1308 www.swannysgrill.com
979-845-1723 www.facebook.com/AggieWomensGolf/
281-478-4653 www.battlegroundgolfcourse.com
281-459-7800 www.golfclubtexas.com
936-856-5531 www.thevillagedallas.com/village-golf-club/
979-297-4653 www.thewildernessgc.com
281-993-1140 www.timbercreekgolfclub.com
281-540-1818 www.tour18golf.com
979-798-4653 www.westbrazosgolfcenter.com
936-760-1776 www.westforkgolfclub.com
713-594-3805 www.westwoodshorespoa.com
713-413-3400 www.wildcatgolfclub.com
281-370-8900 www.windrosegolfclub.com